1921:20200507:145141.391 using configuration file: /usr/local/zabbix/etc/zabbix_server.conf
1921:20200507:145141.397 current database version (mandatory/optional): 04040000/04040000
1921:20200507:145141.397 required mandatory version: 04040000
1921:20200507:145141.766 __mem_malloc: skipped 0 asked 256 skip_min 18446744073709551615 skip_max 0
1921:20200507:145141.766 [file:dbconfig.c,line:94] __zbx_mem_malloc(): out of memory (requested 256 bytes)
1921:20200507:145141.766 [file:dbconfig.c,line:94] __zbx_mem_malloc(): please increase CacheSize configuration parameter
1921:20200507:145141.766 === memory statistics for configuration cache ===
1921:20200507:145141.766 free chunks of size 24 bytes: 63
1921:20200507:145141.766 free chunks of size 32 bytes: 2
1921:20200507:145141.766 free chunks of size 40 bytes: 8
1921:20200507:145141.766 free chunks of size 56 bytes: 1
1921:20200507:145141.766 free chunks of size 64 bytes: 1
1921:20200507:145141.766 free chunks of size 72 bytes: 3
1921:20200507:145141.766 min chunk size: 24 bytes
1921:20200507:145141.766 max chunk size: 72 bytes
1921:20200507:145141.766 memory of total size 8388232 bytes fragmented into 69649 chunks
1921:20200507:145141.766 of those, 2232 bytes are in 78 free chunks
1921:20200507:145141.766 of those, 7271632 bytes are in 69571 used chunks
1921:20200507:145141.766 ================================
VMwareCacheSize=2G CacheSize=8G